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Want to adopt a cat from us? Here are the cats that are up for adoption!
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Next TNRM project - this Sunday - Geylang Lor 37

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Our last TNRM for August! We are looking at a population of about close to 10 cats at Geylang Lor 37, in 3 micro-sites. One round of trapping will suffice to get the cats neutered. We will be going down to do the trapping this Sunday at 5pm. Here is more information on the project.

3 micro-sites of the Geylang Lor 37  cat population
First micro-site - Block 681. There are 4 cats here but 1 cat is nursing so we will be trapping the other 3 instead. The cats are docile and the residents at this block - a privately owned building occupied mainly by foreigners - have been leaving out food and water for the cats.

The cats at Blk 681
Second micro-site, 725 - a back alley. 3 cats reside here. One was nursing during the time of recce but should have finished lactating by this Sunday.
Front, female cat, back, male cat

Ginger male who has an erratic roaming pattern
We may not be able to trap the ginger cat that day because his roaming territory is very large and he doesn't always show up during feeding time.

Third micro-site: a back alley near Palm Lodge where there is also a private house used by what we suspect is a recycling business. There are 3 cats here.

One cat is allowed inside the house

One of the cats in the back alley

A tuxedo cat also living in back alley

Most of the cats here living among scraps

We are excited to make a difference for this colony of cats this Sunday!