Edit 16 Mar 2015: We are still accepting one-time gifts for #IF2015 which at this stage is going towards the basic renovation works needed for the move into a new place. We are also appealing for monthly donors to pledge standing instruction donations towards our Boarding Fund to pay for the rental after the move. See
here to find out more and how you can give.]
Edit 3 Mar 2015: A -BIG- THANK YOU to all who gave towards the $4,500, we reached the first milestone of #IF2015 on 3 March 2015, ahead of deadline! The second leg of #IF2015 is to raise funds to pay a property agent, which is half a month's rental, $750.]
Edit 25 Feb 2015: We need to raise the sum of $4,500 by 31 March 2015 instead of 30 April 2015 because we need one month to renovate the new premises in order to move in by 1 May 2015. Our co-tenant with whom is the reason why we can get low rental rates requires the space to be move in condition by 1 May which means renovation has to be done in April.]
We haven't revealed why the urgency for this specific sum of funds that is needed in a such a tight period of time. We will now, because we need all hands - yours - on deck to help us meet this challenge. We know that with all your support, we can rise up to make this fundraising target by the deadline.
We are mostly very inspired people here at Love Kuching but daunting tasks like this do scare us sometimes. This poem speaks well to address that fear:
It is well at every given moment to seek the limits in our lives.
And once those limits are understood
To understand that limitations no longer exist.
Earth could be fair. And you and I must be free
Not to save the world in a glorious crusade
Not to kill ourselves with a nameless gnawing pain
But to practice with all the skill of our being
The art of making possible.
Excerpt from a poem by Nancy Scheibner
An impossible dream. We have had one for a while now, and that is to further expand our foster space, and be a
full-fledged cattery we can work from,
house more cats with the same cosy ambience, but also a
office desk for Elaine, a
meeting room for volunteer discussions on programmes and projects, and a
quarantine area so cats with airborne transmitted diseases don't need to be in the same room as the others.
Here is a sketch impression of what the new Love Kuching Cattery might look like.
Possible floor plan |
^The quarantine area is only set up when needed and will have surgical drapes (hospital style). This is because the quarantine numbers are usually low in cat-count and will be a waste of space if allocated one room. The maximum threshold of such a design will be 23 cats, with comfort level threshold at 14. Current threshold is 17max/12comfort.
This bigger space dream was so impossible to us last year,
we pictured it only happening earliest in 2016. We even gave a name to the funds we need to raise for rental - the Impossible Fund, hashtag #IF2016.
But here is where the story changes from impossible, to something possible.
One of our merchandise partners Alfie de Meow is looking for a new studio office space to rent and would like to share it as owner Elaine Tan doesn't need a huge place, and yet the larger the space the cheaper the rent per square foot. To share a space with ADM makes a whole lot of monetary sense. Right now we are paying $490 for rental of the foster space in Andy and Elaine's home, the foster space is only about 100 sq. feet.. For about triple the price of that at $1,500, we can actually make our Love Kuching Cattery with more than 3 times the size of our current foster space. feet
an actual reality. In 2015.
What this means is that by the time we find a suitable space and have to move in, we need to have 2 months' deposit and 1 month's rental ready. ADM needs to move out of its current space in April so we are planning to move into our Love Kuching Cattery / Alfie De Meow Studio by 1 May.
We also need to factor in renovation time, which means we need to raise the full sum of rental plus deposit by
31 March 2015.
#IF2016 will become #IF2015 if we can raise $4,500 before the renovation and move in date of 1 May. Can we rise up to the challenge? Practise with all the skill of our being, the art of making possible?
We need your help.
What you can do:
Give. Be part of #IF2015 and practise the art of making
Via bank transfer / ATM / CDM to our DBS current account 027-905975-3. Email us to indicate you have given to #IF2015.
Write a cheque out to Love Kuching Project and deposit it into any POSB/DBS cheque deposit box. Email us to check if your cheque has cleared and also to indicate you have given to #IF2015.
Give in cash whenever you visit our foster home in Ubi towards #IF2015. You should obtain a receipt for cash donations when you give in person.
Use your credit card to give on
Help us organise collections, activities and events to help us fundraise. Give us an email to discuss how you can do this for us.
Spread the word. You can either repost this on Facebook, retweet this on Twitter, repost on Instagram, or use the Simply Giving fundraiser page to hit the share buttons.
Let's make this happen.
Photo from Urban Pets Dubai |
Donate to our cause by making a deposit to our Love Kuching Project DBS Current Account 027-905975-3 or via Credit Card
Donate us food or litter at charity rates with free delivery via Pawfection
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram