It's time! Walnut and Raisin are up for adoption after being lovingly rescued, fed, dewormed, cleaned and documented on Instagram by our team of volunteers.
Raisin (white with patches) and Walnut (brown tabby) are about three months old, and were found in a drain without their mother. They have grown to be healthy, greedy kitties with a penchant for stealing into our older cats' cages and trying to eat their food. Walnut and Raisin love play-fighting with each other, and greet volunteers with loudly insisting on being let out (so they can get to the kibble!) as first order of the day.
Though they are siblings, their personalities are definitely distinct from each other! Walnut is an exceedingly curious, energetic and lively kitten who will need regular playtime and exercise. She likes to climb about and get into various nooks and crannies, so ensuring she doesn't get shut up in a cabinet or is able to escape through some unmeshed window will be vital!
Here's Walnut doing her best Dora the Explorer impression. Due to her arguably boisterous personality, and side-by-side with Raisin's more laid-back demeanour, some of us were surprised when Walnut was revealed to be a girl, and Raisin a boy.
Walnut sticks her tongue out at gender roles! If you enjoy having a cat get up to shenanigans, be constantly nosy about everything you're doing, and are willing to give her the love and attention she needs, you could be the one giving her a forever home.
Raisin, our little cuddlebug, fits the definition of chilled-out cool cat.
He's a sweet kitten with a huge tummy that loves snuggles and rubs! Raisin loves his food, and is usually happy to indulge in some quality nuzzle time afterwards. If you get along better with lapcats who know how to appreciate lazing around and snoozing while bonding, Raisin could have a forever home with you!
Named for his raisin nose, he's pretty talkative when it comes to demanding things (food, attention, all the pleasures in life), but is otherwise pretty mild-mannered and content to curl up in a comfortable spot. Laps are fair game, as are corners, on desks, and right in the middle of the floor.
Even though he's as crazy about his food and making friends with the older cats as his sister is, Raisin is usually warier about being introduced to new things, and prefers to observe from a distance before making a move on new toys or people. Once he feels comfortable, though, he'll be all over you before you know it!
Raisin and Walnut have been dewormed, vaccinated, litter-trained, and socialised, but note that adopters must agree to have them neutered. They are fed wet food (Addiction Brushtail with supplements) once a day and given dry food in their suite to graze on. These two pals make friends with other cats well and would be good in both single- and multi-cat homes.
If you'd like to adopt either Raisin or Walnut, please 1) read and be ready to respond to the adoption questionnaire, 2) download and fill the adoption agreement form, and 3) send your answers and form to Diana at Note that an adoption fee will apply. Any questions can be directed to Diana; please do not contact Elaine at this time.

If you love cats but cannot adopt, consider volunteering with us! We need more volunteers in communications (blog posts, posters, social media) and our main work, foster care (roving or weekly shifts doing clinical care for the cats, volunteers will be trained); email If you want to help with outreach (i.e. cat therapy!), email If you can't commit to regular volunteering but still want to help, try the ad hoc clean/play shifts.

Donate to our cause by making a deposit to our Love Kuching Project DBS Current Account 027-905975-3 or via credit card.
Donate food or litter to us at charity rates with free delivery via Pawfection
Please email fundraising [at] after giving.
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