By Halima
Once again, we seem to have more than a handful of kittens with us at the cattery or with fosterers and 5 of them are ready for adoption!
Let’s meet them!
The 3 P(ea)s in a Pod - Poppy, Pudding and Puddles
Three tiny black kittens were found covered in grass and mud after a downpour, near Tan Tock Seng. They were probably just a few days old seeing how their eyes are still closed and they had no teeth just yet.
As they needed to be fed every two hours and continuous care, they were taken in by one of our regular fosterer till they are weaned and their immune system is stronger.
Once they were weaned, and could eat wet food independently, they were brought back to the cattery to be socialized.
[clockwise] Poppy, Pudding and Puddles all owning the chair at the cattery.
Puddles and Pudding are snuuglebugs and would love a cuddle or two.
Poppy is the more adventures of the trio, and also first to get to the food!
Me love playtime!
[Poppy] Being a meowdel is hard work, I am starting to feel sleepy. [Pudding] Eyes bright, chin up, man i look good!
Their stay at the cattery wasn’t always smooth sailing with Pudding and Puddles contracting an infection and needing a short stay at the vet.
After that, they started sporting cuts at the eye area which we suspect came from roughousing with the other kitten at the cattery, Damai.
With regular care and medication, the cuts soon healed up and we were so excited at the thought of them heading to their forever homes. However, we found diarrhoea in their litter boxes!
Kittens who grew up without their mother’s milk have weaker immune system and this makes them susceptible to sickness.
After all the ups and downs, they are all in the pink of health now. Having been dewormed and vaccinated, they finally received the green light for adoption!
Next up, Damai!
Damai came to us when he was approximately a month old presenting with a flat rib cage, which worried the volunteers as they were not quite sure how to handle him.
Adopt me……*stares deep into your soul*
But, Damai doesn’t seem to be too bothered by this and is as high energy as any kitten can be. He is also a cuddlebug who has a very loud purr and will fall asleep in your arms too!
Time for a kittynap to recharge those batteries zzZzZzzzZZ!
But it isn’t long till he is up and about on his next big adventure.
Unfortunately, Damai also contracted the same infection as Puddles and Pudding and while he was at the vet, charmed them too.
You can’t run away from me!
He is now well and back to his speedster self, dashing around the cattery and playing with the other kittens.
If you are looking for a high energy cuddle bug, Damai might just be the one for you.
You know you love me!
Last but definitely not the least, we have Oscar from City Square Mall.
Can you please take my best side?
He was found without a mother and due to his young age, he too had to stay with fosterers.
We advocate fostering for young kittens as in the crucial first months of their lives, home-fostered kittens get more care and aren't housed near our other sick cats also have better chances of growing up healthy.
After he was all grown up, he came over to stay at the cattery and to be socialized.
I think Imma just stay up here for a bit, the floor is too full of crazy kittens.
While he loves humans, and would climb onto your shoulders and nuzzle your hair, he wasn’t too keen on being around other kittens and would hiss at them.
Hold me, hug me, feed me, love me…….
Now he generally gets along with the kittens but sometimes he prefers to ignore them.
Who are you?! (Oscar meeting his new cage-mate, PJ)
If you’re interested in adopting any of the kittens, please read the info on the adoption page carefully. Send your responses to the questionnaire and indicate which kitten/s you are interested in visiting to Diana at She will screen your responses and contact you for a visit if you are suitable.
Can’t adopt? Please consider donating and sharing our donation appeals. As a tiny, not-for-profit shelter, we rely on donations and volunteers in order to keep rescuing and rehabilitating community cats that need help. Rent and medical bills are high and any amount helps.
You can also volunteer with us! We need more volunteers in marketing, outreach and events, and our main work, foster care (weekly shifts doing shelter maintenance and clinical care for the cats). If you want to help with outreach (i.e. cat therapy!), email If you can't commit to regular volunteering but still want to help, try the ad hoc clean/play shifts.

Donate to our cause by making a deposit to our Love Kuching Project DBS Current Account 027-907655-0 or via credit card.
Donate food or litter to us at charity rates with free delivery via Pawfection
Please email fundraising [at] after giving.
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