An orphaned kitten, now known as Benji, gets his claws clipped at the shelter. |
As Singapore’s pioneer in rehabilitation of community cats who require critical, long-term or intensive care in an indoor environment, Love Kuching Project has been asked to mentor and train the volunteers of CWS Rescue Central’s Fosterer Registry.
Starting from September 2017, Love Kuching Project will run a series of masterclasses several times a year to help CWS fosterers provide a higher level of care for their injured or ill community cats.
A veteran CWS Fosterer shares her wisdom with the crowd at the Rescue Central introduction session |
“We’re really thrilled that Love Kuching Project is stepping forward to help our fosterers,” says Veron Lau, Cat Welfare Society. “Over the years that we’ve collaborated with the team of volunteers at Love Kuching Project, we have seen them grow from a small outfit focusing on the cats of Ubi into an experienced rescue organisation that goes beyond providing intensive care for needy community cats. We believe that our fosterers will have much to gain from these masterclasses by Love Kuching Project.”
Volunteers demonstrate how to scruff Bo, who was a feisty long-term resident at our shelter and who received daily doses of subcutaneous fluids for his kidney failure. |
Among the topics that Love Kuching Project will run are emergency, trauma and wound care, infectious disease and immunodeficiencies, as well as various illnesses that commonly affect cats. All the sessions will be taught in layperson point of view and will include discussions about the application of veterinarian-recommended pharmacological treatments, herbal and nutraceutical supplements and may even include presentations by practicing vets.
Volunteers nebulising Ah Pai, a lovely senior cat with upper respiratory illness who had come to our shelter for palliative care |
“Love Kuching Project is really all about love – we have gone from rescue, rehabilitate to therapy work and education,” says Elaine Chiam, Chief Executive Officer, Love Kuching Project. We are seeing a change in the climate of care for community cats in Singapore and are proud to empower people with knowledge and skills to better care for their beloved stray cats. This is important as we all build an inclusive community for cats and people in Singapore.”
Volunteers administer meds through the bars of a cage to a feral community cat who had been admitted to recover from a bite wound |
Moving ahead, Love Kuching Project hopes to turn these masterclasses into a comprehensive course involving workshops, on-the-job training sessions within their cattery and assessment of the fosterers.