We've moved our blog here! This page will be kept online as an archive for our decade of blog posts.
Met a stray cat that needs rescue? Go to our website to submit a Rescue Request
Want to adopt a cat from us? Here are the cats that are up for adoption!
Come volunteer to clean the foster space and play with kitties!
Wish to give to Love Kuching Project? Deposit to our DBS Current Account 027-907655-0 or find out other ways to give here

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Important Announcement: Our DBS Ideal Bank Account Status

We were at DBS Bank at Parkway Parade today because we have a new committee term coming up — our date of incorporation as a Registered Society is on 26 Dec 2013 — and there will be a change of bank signatories as some committee members step down while others step up.

However we found out that DBS had closed our current account number 027-905975-3 on 18 Dec and cut us a cashier's order of our remaining balance of over $3K. Our last 2 donations were standing instructions of $50 each on 18 Dec, which we received email notifications of.

That said, the DBS teller tried her best to help us and we truly appreciate her assistance. Meanwhile, we are working towards getting a new bank account up and running but this will take between 5 and 8 working days. Please bear with us until that is ready to be announced.

For now, all funds transfer to and from our account — DBS current account 027-905975-3 — will no longer be active. For donors whose standing instructions to our DBS account that are actionable after the 18th of every month, we will not be able to receive your donation via our Love Kuching Project DBS account this month.

Cat angels who would like to make donations over Christmas, you can cut a crossed cheque out to Love Kuching Project and mail it to us: contact Elaine via SMS at 90880675 or email Deborah at fundraising@lovekuchingproject.org to ask for our address. Or you can donate cat food and litter for our current kitties via Polypet.

Please rest assured that we will update everyone with our new account number on all our online social channels and website as soon as we have new bank account details, so that you may reinstate your monthly donations that help us pay our rental.

Donors whose mobile numbers are in our directory will be updated via SMS from Elaine, our president. In the meantime, all donors can contact Elaine via SMS or phonecall at 90880675 for further information. We sincerely regret all the inconvenience that this bank matter has caused all of you. Your support is important to us.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Sharing Love, Sharing Knowledge

This article was originally written for The Mews and is republished with permission. 

On Sunday, 8 October 2017, close to 30 cat lovers from all over Singapore attended the first Love Kuching Project Masterclass session on feline emergency and first aid, wound care, injuries and trauma. This session was conducted by our Love Kuching Project (LKP) volunteers and veterinarian at The Garden Slug café. 

These cat lovers, some of whom had already signed up as fosterers under the newly launched Rescue Central, were keen to gain learn and share their own experiences with fellow cat caregivers. 

For eight years, LKP volunteers have been helping to care for chronically ill or injured community cats that do not need to be hospitalised but still need a lot of clinical care in an indoor environment. Our volunteers, particularly those in the Foster Care team, have been administering care to rescued community cats that require critical, intensive, long-term or palliative care, either to rehabilitate the cats before they return back to their communities, or allow them to live their last days in comfort.

Over the years, LKP has amassed a pool of knowledge in rehabilitation. We were approached by CWS to share our knowledge with fosterers in the Rescue Central initiative. This series of Masterclass sessions, which we have designed, feature theoretical veterinary knowledge and applications necessary in clinical foster care from a layperson standpoint, and discussions of clinical skills necessary in home care, and discussions on both veterinarian-recommended pharmacological treatments alongside simple home remedies LKP has used successfully over the years.

Dr Dawn Chong, a vet who has been working closely with LKP for several years, spoke about signs of a healthy cat before going into details about emergency and first aid for cats that would be useful for cat caregivers. Lifting up Splotch, one of our therapy cats, Dr Chong showed participants where and how to get the cat’s normal heart rate and pulse and watch for its breathing patterns. 

The important danger signs to watch for are weak or no pulse, laboured breathing, discolouration of mucous membranes and pain or masses when feeling a cat’s abdomen. Dr Chong also took participants through how to do cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) when a kitty has lost consciousness, has no pulse or is not breathing. “Bring the cat to the vet immediately when this happens, and do CPR on the way in the cab,” she said. 

“Call the vet in advance and tell them the signs. The clinic can prepare for triage while you’re in the cab,” said Elaine Chiam, co-founder and President of Love Kuching Project.  “So when you get to the clinic, your cat can be rushed into the treatment room right away.” 

Elaine spoke on trauma injuries caused by vehicular and industrial machinery accidents, and falls from height. Sketching out a simple skeletal structure of a cat, she went on to discuss the different injuries and considerations for surgical and non-surgical treatments, how to manage splints if used for the injured cat, and follow-up treatments including acupuncture and physiotherapy.

Lydiana Ramli, manager of LKP’s Foster Care team, talked about different types of wounds, various treatments for these wounds and daily wound care routines. Taking questions from participants on what could be applied to wounded cats during the question and answer session, Lydiana warned that some common personal care products used on humans could be poisonous to cats. She showed items which LKP has in our cattery, including a stethoscope (“can buy from Mustafa!”), saline solution, gauze, and so on which can be purchased easily at local pharmacies.

Closing the Masterclass session were interactive questions and answers, and a hands-on experience with two therapy cats, Gizmo and Splotch, where participants could check the vital parameters taught during the training.

Next in the series of Love Kuching Project Masterclasses will be a class on infectious diseases and immunodeficiency, as well as many common illnesses in cats. Community cat caregivers, and cat lovers who want to learn how to foster rescued cats and kittens, please keep an eye out by following us on social media (see below for links!).

Donate to our cause by making a deposit to our Love Kuching Project DBS Current Account 027-907655-0 or via credit card.
Donate food or litter to us at charity rates via Polypet
Please email fundraising [at] lovekuchingproject.org after giving.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Cat Therapy

A senior lady lying in a bed while interacting with one of our cats.
"Feline therapy is a step further in sharing this love with those that need it most." -Elaine Chiam, President of Love Kuching Project

Article originally written for The Mews, cross-posted with permission.

The Love Kuching Project Outreach team conducts cat therapy sessions for seniors in nursing homes, students, as well as children and young adults with special needs.

Through activities such as grooming, patting, playing or simply by their presence, therapy cats provide relaxation, emotional comfort and assist in physical healing.

Seniors, for example, are encouraged to pick a toy and play with the cats or groom them so as to aid their mobility. Special needs students gain social skills during their interaction with the cats and our volunteers. 

It is scientifically proven that having cats as companion can elevate poor emotional moods. The calm natures of our therapy cats also help promote the love for cats in general, replacing that fear and misconception towards felines with acceptance. 

a senior is scratching the chin of one of the therapy cats.
It is scientifically proven that having cats as companion can elevate poor emotional moods.

We currently work together with these organizations - Ren Ci Nursing Homes (Moulmein & Bukit Batok), Thye Hua Kwan Home for the Disabled (Eunos), MINDS: Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore & Rainbow Centre (Margaret Drive)

“We first started developing our feline therapy programme in 2013, because we wanted a structured programme that was based on research,” says Elaine Chiam, President of Love Kuching Project. “We all already know about the love we have for and from the cats we have in our own lives, but building our therapy programme based on what cat behaviour research has already uncovered, made this programme a good fit for the VWOs that we reach out to. Feline therapy is a step further in sharing this love with those that need it most. As we minister this love to humans through therapy cats, we also educate in a way that hasn’t already been done. This way, we fill a need in the education work of Singapore’s cat welfare sector, sharing knowledge of cat behaviour, dispelling myths, and promoting adoption.”

If you would like to be part of this enriching team, please email us at outreach@lovekuchingproject.org.

Two therapy cats are looking into the camera, one a tortoiseshell, and the other a brown tabby.

Donate to our cause by making a deposit to our Love Kuching Project DBS Current Account 027-907655-0 or via credit card.
Donate food or litter to us at charity rates via Polypet
Please email fundraising [at] lovekuchingproject.org after giving.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram