We've moved our blog here! This page will be kept online as an archive for our decade of blog posts.
Met a stray cat that needs rescue? Go to our website to submit a Rescue Request
Want to adopt a cat from us? Here are the cats that are up for adoption!
Come volunteer to clean the foster space and play with kitties!
Wish to give to Love Kuching Project? Deposit to our DBS Current Account 027-907655-0 or find out other ways to give here

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

TNRM reconnaissance at Bendemeer Road

Update 3 August 2010: We went to feed the cats at Bendemeer and met the cat-feeders. They are in agreement with our sterilisation plans and will be there on Thursday 5 August 8pm to help with the trapping for sterilisation. We also informed them that we will thereafter relocate the cats away from the construction site to the 4 point blocks opposite and they can manage the cats there after the return. We also rescued one kitten tonight and she currently rehabilitating at our Love Kuching foster home.

Update 31 July 2010: The trapping for neutering of the Bendemeer Road construction site will be carried out on 5 August 2010, Thursday at 8pm. We will be going there on Tuesday and Wednesday at 8pm to feed the cats pre-neutering in order to befriend them. If you would like to join us, do meet us there on those dates and times, and text Andy or Elaine to inform us that you will be volunteering to help.

Update 29 July 2010: We have raised enough funds to conduct the sterilisation thanks to cat-angels Alan, Haryati, Anna and Joanne, and Edmond. Any excess funds not used for the Bendemeer cats will be channelled to the sterilisation we are conducting in Ubi in August as well. We will be arranging the dates with Damy as soon as our schedules coincide with his. We are still looking for caregivers to step forward to take in some of these cats into your custody as a community cat.

Tonight we met with Edmond who alerted us about the Bendemeer stray cat colony at a construction site just off the PIE exit. We went to the site and checked out the cat welfare situation there.

The site is definitely not a habitable place for cats. Firstly, the old building that was there has already been demolished, providing little or no shelter. Secondly, piling works have already begun and it will be very soon that these cats will be homeless if not culled by pest control. Also, construction work will definitely be hazardous to the cats' safety.

There are 12 mature entire cats and about 2-3 kittens sighted, possibly more. Photos below.

These cats ideally need to be relocated to safer grounds with proper caregivers. Right now there are one or two drive-by feeders feeding at the gates of the construction site. We did not manage to spot them when we visited.

Critically, we need to neuter this colony of cats; then we need caregivers of other community cat colonies to step forward to volunteer to take on some of these cats post-neutering.

We will need $650 for the trapping, transport, sterilisation, and pre-neutering feeding for this colony of cats. We currently have $450 in our sterilisation fund. We need to raise $200 more.

If you are a caregiver of a community cat colony, we will need you to volunteer to take on any of the number of cats post-neutering. This is to complete the TNRM cycle.

CWS Logo-Link to us!

We didn't manage to take very clear photos during tonight's recce unfortunately, because our camera is no longer working. Here's what we could capture on cellphone cameras -

Feeding the cats Fussie Cat Seafood Platter to befriend them

A calico kitten, who has a sibling that was too shy to eat

The calico kitten and her sibling
Most of the cats hang out at the gate closest to the PIE (Jurong) Upper Serangoon Exit. Almost all of them are wary of strangers.

To help us in this TNRM project -
  1. Spread the word
  2. Donate towards the cats' sterilisation expenses
  3. Offer to take in some of these cats if you are a stray cat caregiver by contacting us
  4. Volunteer with us for the pre-neutering feeding sessions