Last night we trapped 11 more cats for neutering at the construction site; it was a one-and-a-half hour affair, using four blanketed traps. Most of the 11 cats were from the second gate. Across the filter road from the PIE expressway, there is another extremely feral albeit small colony of cats that doesn't fraternise with the cats from the construction site itself. We went in to recce, and could only see 2 hiding amongst bushes, and apparently 1 of the cats inside had just given birth. Because it was impossible to see who was the new mother, we couldn't trap this colony of about 4 cats.
We also rescued one kitten who is really skinny, and is the only other tame one among the lot of kittens at the site. Her name is Cassie, and we will blog more about her soon. She needs to bulk up and get healthy first; she is likely undernourished. She is now recuperating and making friends with the other foster kittens, and our cats have already greeted her heartily. Here is Cassie en route to our foster home.
Here are pictures from last night's work.
And the mug-shots of the 11 cats that are having their sterilisation surgeries today -
We will be releasing the neutered 11 strays tomorrow afternoon, at the same relocation site.