Here is a video of us trying to feed him his medications -
Unfortunately not a prime example in how to administer medication, our Scooter is not a very cooperative cat-subject to demonstrate on. Sayang is much more cooperative, the only one who willingly helps me do webcam demonstrations of pilling and syringe-medicating for Ubi Kuching Project's adoption aftercare service.
Scooter is also on a course of prebiotics which I mix into his canned food and he eats unwittingly. I have stopped his loperadamide and anti-emetic since his diarrhoea and vomitting has abated.
His poo is much better now, although he did sneak into Slinky's (smaller)litter tray and used it, had a half-miscue where half of his poo went outside the box, something he has never done before. Perhaps he just really needed to go, and Slinky's toilet was nearer for him. Another thing to note when you have cats having diarrhoea - more litter boxes is a good idea.