First off, we would like to thank
@CatWelfareSG for these last two rounds of TNR in Geylang's food district! Here is the reason why:
Project 500 gave Love Kuching 10 slots for sterilising Geylang's street cats! Though it was past the deadline of January, Fareena, President of Cat Welfare, managed to help us help the strays of Geylang's food district, and the last 10 cats (2 rounds of trapping) was sponsored by Cat Welfare! We are so grateful!
Dukakis who contributed to our Sterilisation Fund through your
purchase of Duke calendars, we will be using your gifts to sterilise stray cats in other neighbourhood estates instead! For this last leg of Geylang TNR we only used the Sterilisation Fund to pay for trapping, transport and boarding of the cats. We are now in the midst of recceing a few other sites that are in dire need of sterilisation help. Keep your eyes peeled for tweets and blog posts on our next TNR project - sponsored by you!
So, here is what happened during our TNR final rounds at Geylang.
We went back to a previous site from last year,
Lor 37.
Sterilised 8 cats here last year |
We arrived to trap a remaining 3 cats.
Cat transport van |
We managed to trap this gangster tom cat! We couldn't get a visual on him the last time we came here.
Gangster cat! |
Our Sterilisation Volunteer Liyin trying to coax him |
Another cat wasn't so keen on being out in the open.
Hiding under a van |
Luring cat out with food laden trapped while we stood back |
Well, we did meet one friendly cat that could be placed in a carrier by hand.
Friendly kitty |
After that, we went back to the food district, and trapped a number of other cats across the lorongs.
We went to a new back alley between two lorongs.
About 4 cats in this back alley |
They camp around the back doors |
Another 4 more cats around this side of the alley |
The back alley is quite dangerous for cats because there are druggies hanging out here and the cats are at risk of poisoning from leftover drugs in the drains.
Cats and druggies' hangout |
One cat was quite friendly and could be trapped by hand.
Preparing to 'grab' the cat by hand into carrier |
Others were elusive. This cat hid throughout our time there and escaped the trap when he heard a noise.
iHide |
iHide 2 |
"Food? Sure or not. Hate humans." |
"Hmph, more food?!" |
So, this was a failed trapping attempt for this boy, and we didn't see him again after this, not even after staking out his hiding location.
Black and white cat went into drain |
We also met a pretty tricoloured cat but we couldn't neuter her because she recently gave birth in some building we couldn't access. Spay/neuter clinics don't have the protocol in place for neutering lactating cats as it is a more complicated procedure.
Mommy cat |
"Wassup?" Had to distract her away from traps |
It was trickier trapping near the coffeeshops, lots of onlookers who were puzzled as to what we were doing, or tried to distract the cats from the traps. But we managed to crowd control so we could get to the kitties.
One of the coffeeshop cats trapped |
After this site, we went back to the previous lorongs to trap the remnant cats we missed.
More trapping more trapping! |
We also went back to get the mother cat at the gambling den. We had managed to touch base with the feeder there when he caught sight of us trapping! He gave us feedback that the mother cat there might already have become pregnant. Which means she has stopped lactating and we can get her neutered.
Back at our first Geylang food district TNR site |
The mommy cat |
Gaining her trust with some food |
Successfully trapped |
Here is an overview of the Project 500 cats trapped, neutered and released!
Thank you Dukakis for sponsoring the trapping of these cats and Cat Welfare Society for the neutering operations!
Give financially to our cause by depositing to our bank account POSB savings 188-52652-7
Sponsor a foster kitten's vaccination through our Sponsor-A-LoveKuching-Cat Scheme
Give food and litter at charity rates through our corporate sponsor The Water Dish