Calipod is a stray cat that contracted cancer. She has a tumour in her cheek area and is now being cared for in our foster home until her time has come to go.
Calipod has a tumour on her cheek, affected her eye |
She is currently on cyproheptadine to stimulate appetite
and Tramadol for pain relief, as well as piroxicam which slows down the
growth of the tumour. Unfortunately, despite this, the tumour has extended to her shoulder area. Tramadol is still sufficient for her pain management and she is coping well in spite of the tumour.
Having a warm bath. Tumour visible. |
She is quite comfortable, and is still eating, albeit very little. She is happier now that she doesn't require regular injections too: our vet Dr Chong advised that if her eye cavity was bigger, the pus can flow out on its own, minimising swelling of the tumour. So we enlarged it and now Calipod doesn't need needles to get her eye cavity flushed, just direct from the saline vial. Likewise her ciprofloxacin antibiotic eye drops. Her stress level has gone down a lot since doing away with needles. We are going to get retinoic acid cream to apply topically on her tumour, starting tomorrow - we found out that it is good for Calipod's type of cancer, squamous cell carcinoma.
For supplements she is on very little because she doesn't like being fed them, and rejects a lot of supplements, especially herbal and TCM ones. Syringing her with the supplements instead of mixing it with food makes her very stressed out, so when she does eat canned food, she gets supplements care from that as we mix it in for her every wet food meal.
Her medical expenses are still minimal, owing to donations in kind and veterinary discounts. She has only spent $62.04 in total from the Stray Cat Fund. We will continue to tweet any updates on Calipod's health, just look out for the #pawcircle hashtag on Twitter.
Give financially to our cause by depositing to our bank account POSB savings 188-52652-7
Sponsor a foster kitten's vaccination through our Sponsor-A-LoveKuching-Cat Scheme
Give food and litter at charity rates through our corporate sponsor The Water Dish
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