We've moved our blog here! This page will be kept online as an archive for our decade of blog posts.
Met a stray cat that needs rescue? Go to our website to submit a Rescue Request
Want to adopt a cat from us? Here are the cats that are up for adoption!
Come volunteer to clean the foster space and play with kitties!
Wish to give to Love Kuching Project? Deposit to our DBS Current Account 027-907655-0 or find out other ways to give here

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A catty good time

We held a cat cafe adoption event at our foster space 22nd March!

Our cat café themed event saw 10 people attend to enquire about the cats we had for adoption – Garry, Gurly, Dumpling and Kieran.
Gurly says: Please adopt me!

Kieran looking serene on the cat condo
Visitors also got to have a look at Love Kuching’s inner workings at the foster space, including the care of the sick kitties in our foster space.

Our Foster Care Volunteer, Diana, taking care of Yunis
Diana talks about the cats and the stories of their rescue
The winners of our photo competition held last February was presented with their prize – cat care goods sponsored by Dulcetfig and The Water Dish.

The prize winners!
We also had a short presentation on kitten socialisation by our founder Elaine and a short quiz organised by our Adoptions Volunteer, Charmaine.
One of our visitors playing with our cats

Elaine talks about kitten socialisation
Although none of our kitties found a forever home, we managed to have a few potential adopters considering to adopt our cats. All in all, the event managed to bring fellow cat lovers together for a session of cat loving.
More adoption events like these are currently in the works – stay tuned to our Love Kuching facebook page for more details!

Current fundraising need - Make a pledge to our ER Fund

Make a financial gift via a deposit to our POSB savings account 188-52652-7.  Find out more.   Become a monthly giver to help ensure our rescues continue getting their needs met.   
Feed and provide litter to the cats we foster via our corporate sponsor The Water Dish.    
Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

[SOS] Our funds are dangerously low. Please give, share and RT.

Dear cat angels, here is our latest fund balance, as well as the breakdown into our various Funds that are used for different types of catty expenses. Everything in a bracket is a deficit. The final figure below is the total of what is in our bank account and petty cash box. Everything in this chart worries us.

We -really- need help as soon as possible. If a veterinary emergency occurs today, we will not have enough to say, "Let's save this cat," because of lack of funds that may hinder more expensive treatments; $489.61 is not a safe amount to have.

How you can help:
Give immediately. Deposit through an ATM or CDM or use internet/mobile banking to our bank account POSB savings 188-52652-7. Any amount will do, there is no such thing as a sum that is too small.

If you are giving towards a specific Fund, for example you wish your $x to go towards veterinary expenses and medications only, email us to indicate you have given to the Veterinary Fund. The same applies for the other Funds. Cat angels, you can choose to give to a specific Fund, just indicate so through an SMS. If you have no preference, your gift will go towards our general balance.

If you wish to have a hardcopy (non tax deductible though) receipt, email us as well, with your mailing address so we can write one out for you.

Give us food and litter. This means we do not need to buy food and litter, and the actual dollar sum expenses will not need to be paid by us. How: To give dry food, click here. To give canned food, click here. To give litter, click here. All are at charity rates that our corporate sponsor The Water Dish has offered, and come with delivery to our foster space. If you wish to give through a different method, the food and type of litter must be the same, so as not to disrupt the welfare of the cats. To obtain our address, email us if you wish to donate through different means.

Click the share and RT buttons. You may not be able to give much, or give at all, but someone in your social circle might be able to. Put this appeal on every social media platform you can. Get the word out. Be our ambassador.

For those that have already given after seeing our last blog post regarding Dumpling and Lucky, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Every time we receive a gift, the amount notwithstanding, we always feel very touched. It means you support the work we are doing and believe in us. That is why there is no such thing as a sum too small.

Current fundraising need: Make a pledge to our ER Fund.
Make a financial gift via a deposit to our POSB savings account 188-52652-7.  Find out more.    
Become a monthly giver to help ensure our rescues continue getting their needs met.    
Feed and provide litter to the cats we foster via our corporate sponsor The Water Dish.     
Follow on us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Update on Lucky and Dumpling after surgery

Last Friday we brought Lucky and Dumpling to our vet for surgeries.

Lucky has a mouth tumour, and the last biopsy he had revealed that it was not cancerous. In the weeks before the surgery, his tumour had been growing in size, and while that did not hinder him in any way - pain, emotional welfare, ability to eat and drink and groom self, it was a bit worrying. But it then also started to bleed a lot, and get infected even if it was not bleeding away.

Lucky's tumour before surgery

Abstract pic of Lucky, when he was bleeding

We spoke to Dr Chong about what we could do to help. While he was still not in pain and was still eating and drinking, he became very messy. Furthermore, he does not like anyone touching his mouth, he hates it so much so that even if we were trying to clean it, he would be so traumatise more blood would flow out. We ended up using cistus essential oil, useful for blood clotting in haemorrage situations, to help stem the flow till his surgery worked. It was merely dabbed on an aromatherapy pillow we placed in his cat suite but it worked.  

The blood loss was not a critical issue, but we ended up deciding to cauterise his tumour and make it less messy looking, and prone to infection. He now looks much better after Dr Chong operated on him. It turned out the tumour had grown to expose even the bone. Much of it has been removed and Lucky now looks much better!

The doctors also had enough tissue sample after the surgery to send it for another biopsy, to see if it has turned cancerous. If so, we can then change his medication and supplements protocol to deal with it. The biopsy results will return in 3 weeks or so.

Lucky is still the cheerful boy he is, easy going (except still picky with his food and supplement choices) and is recovering well. Always wants soup everyday, which we feed him with supplements to prevent inflammation, promote healing and manage pain. 

Lucky after surgery

Dumpling came to us because she was caught on a glue trap set by Square 2 in Novena, remember? Came to us with only one eye, and we didn't know the real reason she was a pirate kitty at the time. She has gone through a lot since then - chronic flu' for one, which led to a head abscess - and finally she is this purring furball in our arms when we carry her, even for medication.

She had just turned 6 months old, and to prevent constant tearing in her missing eye socket, during her sterilisation surgery, she also had her eye socket stitched close. We did not want to put her through 2 surgeries so that she would just need to go under general anaesthesia once. During the procedure, the doctors found out that she actually had a very tiny eyeball inside, which means she was born this way - Siamese cats tend to have genetic eye problems - and so it was removed and now she is waiting for her eye to heal into a beautiful scar. P.S. we didn't clip her beautiful cross-Siamese seal coloured ears but got her an ear tattoo instead to mark that she was a sterilised cat.

Stitches will be removed in 2 wks

Unfortunately, these 2 surgeries set us back a lot, when our Veterinary Fund is already in deficit. Some cat angels have already given, but we are still not in a healthy financial state right now where we can respond to an emergency if any. 

Here are the vet bills of each of Dumpling and Lucky's surgeries:

Page 1

Page 2, includes total with pre-op deposit

How you can help:
If you can help to give to our Veterinary Fund, which we also previously spent on things such as medications to the point it reached a deficit - any amount will do - deposit to our bank account POSB savings 188-52652-7 and email us to indicate you have given to our Veterinary Fund. 

Our other Funds are also in deficit - will post a financial update soon so you can give to other needs if you wish. 

Use the share buttons below to get the word out - we are in dangerously low cash-in-bank balances right now and need all the help we can get. 

Current fundraising need: Make a pledge to our ER Fund.
Make a financial gift via a deposit to our POSB savings account 188-52652-7.  Find out more.   Become a monthly giver to help ensure our rescues continue getting their needs met.   Feed and provide litter to the cats we foster via our corporate sponsor The Water Dish.    Follow on us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

From Rescue to Rehabilitated to Rehomed - a story with a happy ending.

This is Jemmy, our latest rescue kitten that we didn't blog about till now because he fell ill. 
Jemmy loves catnip pillows

Having his first shower and grooming session
He was rescued by one of our volunteers, an effort that was no mean feat. He arrived on 8 February, and we approximated him to be of 7 weeks old at the time. 

His rescue story went like this. Our volunteer Camie was out with friends and family when they discovered a kitten was meowing and hiding inside the engine of a parked car. After a long time of trying to get him out, Jemmy was too scared to and it was an impossible feat. They then left a note for the driver of the parked car hoping he will try his best to remove the kitten before he drove off. 

Hours later, Jemmy was still there. The motorist had not returned to his car. In the end, Camie's friends and family jacked up the car the got Jemmy out. But he was so scared, he ran to hide under a motorcycle. Being so afraid of his surroundings meant that he was not a kitten born on the streets but was abandoned. He was very affectionate, and we took him in hoping he would be a positive influence on Dumpling and Elfie who were still far back in their socialisation period. He in the end did make a difference. 

We were about to post him up for adoption, and get him vaccinated as soon as possible, but then he got the flu'. 

The poor thing face!

After he recovered, he got his vaccination and check up and is now a-okay! 

He is super active, playful, and affectionate, and he doesn't even mind Scotty the dog. 

An introduction session

Became a good friend to his pen-mates

Then, before we could post him for adoption with his lovely portraits taken by Furry Photos, a couple approached us for a kitten that was about Jemmy's age. They didn't care what colour, what gender, and they fulfilled the criteria for adoption: their house windows were super cat-proof. 

By Saturday, Jemmy got adopted!

Jemmy with his new parents!

We like how this story went from rescue to rehabiliation to rehoming in one post! Hope you enjoyed it too. We want the same kind of stories for the other kittens still waiting for adoption. See the right side bar under Adoption Alert and give the other kitties their forever homes too!

Current fundraising need: Make a pledge to our ER Fund.
Make a financial gift via a deposit to our POSB savings account 188-52652-7.  Find out more.   Become a monthly giver to help ensure our rescues continue getting their needs met.   Feed and provide litter to the cats we foster via our corporate sponsor The Water Dish.    Follow on us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Friday, March 14, 2014

[Adoption Post] Elfie, a reserved kitten for an experienced cat owner

Pretty girl Elfie

Elfie was rescued during a TNR project at Eunos industrial estate. She was too young to be sterilised then but we don't release cats that accidentally enter traps, because then it would be impossible to trap them again to sterilise. She was suffering from very bad flu' and needed rehabilitation, so we we took her in. 

Her flu' was quite bad, but even after she slowly got better and got used to us handling her, she remained very reserved. 

Elfie in her recovery suite

She can be held, but only by experienced cat owners who know how to scruff her, and massage her and hold her gently. Eventually she can even fall asleep in a human's lap. She is just a very shy and reserved cat. And may hiss at you at first!

Elfie in a volunteer's lap

Hence the need for her adopter to be an experienced cat owner who doesn't mind reserved cats. She really is very pretty. We help her ease her fears with supplements and essential oils. 

Elfie the pretty tabby
She is very good with other cats, just not so much with humans. If you have other cats, she should get along with them very well. She has been seen cuddling and grooming her foster siblings. 

She is now about 7 months old (estimate) and already neutered. 

If you are an experienced cat owner who does not mind reserved cats, do consider adopting Elfie. You can find out how by clicking here or reading the right side bar under How to adopt.

Current fundraising need: Make a pledge to our ER Fund.
Make a financial gift via a deposit to our POSB savings account 188-52652-7.  Find out more.   Become a monthly giver to help ensure our rescues continue getting their needs met.   Feed and provide litter to the cats we foster via our corporate sponsor The Water Dish.    Follow on us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

[Adoption Post] Kieran, local 5 month old female neutered black kitten

Remember Kieran?

 She is gorgeous right now. Look at her photos!

She was initially adopted by a couple in December who had an adult female cat at home. However, Kieran is a very alpha type of cat and bonds better with male cats.

While behaviour management could have solved the issue in her previous home, ther family had difficulties housing her because Kieran's room was needed urgently for a visitor. Her ex-mom is a volunteer with us and will see Kieran often so the separation anxiety is very minimal. We don't usually allow returns because of the emotional trauma that causes the cats, instead we encourage cat owners to rehome the cats on their own. We made an exception for Kieran. 

Kieran came into heat early so she is already neutered but with no tipped ear or tattoo, just a certificate. 

Kieran would do best in a household either singly or with a male cat. Personality wise she is very affectionate, and likes to talk a lot. Lovely to cuddle and has amazing soft fur. 

If you would like to adopt Kieran, please see right side bar under How to adopt or click here.  

Current fundraising need: Make a pledge to our ER Fund.
Make a financial gift via a deposit to our POSB savings account 188-52652-7.  Find out more.   Become a monthly giver to help ensure our rescues continue getting their needs met.   Feed and provide litter to the cats we foster via our corporate sponsor The Water Dish.    Follow on us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

[Adoption Post] Dumpling is ready for a forever home now!

Remember Dumpling was one of the cats caught on a glue trap in Novena Square 2?

She had a hard journey started even before then, and now, she is so much better, and will be even more soon.

After the trauma of being trapped in glue, she was a bit aggressive due to fear, but we managed to calm her down with supplements and care.

Scared but eventually opened up to humans

But then, she had persistent flu' which led to sinus inflammation and then an abscess in her forehead. Some vets said it will likely recur throughout her whole life, but after speaking to our regular vet Dr Chong, she believed that if Dumpling's flu' recedes, the abscesses should not occur again. Her flu' is now much better and is due for her final booster next week.

Dumpling, a bit shy, but playful

She will be due to be spayed next Friday as she has turned 6 months of age. During this time, her missing eye socket will be stitched up so it no longer is a hole that eliminates discharge. Then she will be truly a pretty cat!

She has been litter trained, free of fleas, mites and parasites, gets along well with other cats, reserved but willing to be held.

Playing with her foster sibling Jemmy

You will notice her pattern is a Siamese-cross breed, but we won't be charging the adoption fee for a cross-breed kitten, instead just for a local kitten ($35) considering she is a special kitty.

Isn't she pretty?

To adopt Dumpling, click here to find out our adoption process or see right side bar under How to adopt for all the information you need. Hear from you soon!

Can't adopt? Spread the word! Click one of the share buttons below.

Current fundraising need: Make a pledge to our ER Fund.
Make a financial gift via a deposit to our POSB savings account 188-52652-7.  Find out more.   Become a monthly giver to help ensure our rescues continue getting their needs met.   Feed and provide litter to the cats we foster via our corporate sponsor The Water Dish.    Follow on us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.