Cooky is a black and white 6 month old kitten who came to us to recuperate from flesh wounds he sustained as a stray kitty in a construction site.
Cooky |
When he first arrived, he was missing the flesh off a toe and had a skinned elbow. He also showed signs of trauma, but did well under intensive care.
Injured hind toe |
Skinned elbow |
He was on oral antibiotics which he has completed, and now needs only topical medication on his wounds. They have stopped bleeding so much and are enroute to recovery.
Cooky will be returned to his territory at the construction site once his toe and elbow heal, unless a human steps forward wanting to adopt him!
If you are keen, here is more about Cooky.
Cooky likes human affection |
Cooky is a very affectionate cat, enjoys talking to us a lot, and is obedient. He likes lounging together with us when we call him, yet is not overly attention-seeking. He is independent and doesn't mind being on his own but always enjoys a hug. He is very suited for being a pet cat because of these personality traits. Oh, and he is very greedy! Seeing him munch away at food reminds us that cats really love simple things in life such as food.
He is a black and white neutered male kitten with a short tail.
Cooky, relaxing |
He is on Revolution, and litter trained. When his toe and elbow heal, he will be looked over by the vet one more time to make sure everything is okay.
Keen to adopt him? See
here or
right side bar under '
How to adopt' to find out how.