Hi there!
Chanced upon your blog and saw that you guys have many successful adoption and rescue cases with kitties.
I recently found a little kitten outside my place about 1 month back and have placed her in a friend's clinic till today while looking for a fosterer or adopter. Obviously, up until now, my friends and I have been having lots of difficulties getting her adopted and have to resort to asking you guys for help.
I called Aswat and spoke briefly about the possible actions to help this kitty out, and found out that you are already housing 6 black ones still looking for a home. As such, I'm hoping if a small mention of her somewhere in your blog or advertisements will help in finding her a home while I continue to house her at the clinic.
Her details can be found at: http://sg.88db.com/Pets/Pets-For-Adoption/ad-1271328/ and http://www.catwelfare.org/node/2126
Additionally, I've attached pictures of her.
Any assistance to save this little one will be very much appreciated!
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