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Want to adopt a cat from us? Here are the cats that are up for adoption!
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bendemeer construction site TNR bills

CWS Logo-Link to us!

We conducted 2 final rounds of TNR at the Bendemeer construction site where the old SCDF building used to be, this month - here are the bills:

These bills do not include the trapping/transport of $70 per trip, and the boarding pre- and post-op for each of the 11 cats at $5 each. But these bills shown above are the ones that we submit to Cat Welfare for the sterilisation reimbursement.

Just to share with you, our readers, how the sterilisation reimbursement is administered on our end: we fill in a printed copy of the reimbursement form, fill in the important details about the cats neutered, the invoice numbers, the billed amount from the clinic etc, like so -

Then we send out the form with the original vet receipts via snail mail to the CWS PO box address. Each cheque that comes back to us from CWS via sterilisation reimbursement goes straight back to our Sterilisation Fund.

Currently the limit of claims per month per person - CWS member or otherwise - is at $500 per month. So we have just used our General / Operations Fund to purchase another CWS annual membership to claim reimbursement for the Eunos Crescent TNRM project that is also taking place this month. Our current CWS membership is also expiring next month and we will be renewing that too so that we can keep replenishing our Sterilisation Fund.

And remember - Cat Welfare's sterilisation reimbursements for caregivers nationwide are possible only because of funds donated to CWS. So, if you haven't found a reason to sign up for CWS membership or to make regular donations to the leading cat welfare advocacy group in Singapore - it's time to do so today! (You can view CWS's annual financial reports here).