Peyton is a stray cat rescued by SPCA from Novena area, found with wounds on her abdomen. She also had fur mites (mange). She is a pretty semi-longhaired girl who is quite greedy and vocal.
We will return her to SPCA when her wound is 100% healed. SPCA will get her neutered (she has no tipped ear or tattoo) and possibly rehome her, else return her to Novena area where she was.
We will post her progress on our social media channels, follow us to follow her journey to full recovery!
Make a financial gift via a deposit to our POSB savings account 188-52652-7. Find out more.
Become a monthly giver to help ensure our rescues continue getting their needs met.
Feed and provide litter to the cats we foster via our corporate sponsor The Water Dish.
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