Jackie's flu' has completely healed after being on another round of antibiotics and anti-mucolytics. She was completely at ease at Angels, a place she had called home for over a month, hanging out with Mini Sunshine, Feather and Shiro who was also there for a visit. Every one of us loved seeing her and was so glad to see her looking well!
Cassandra is adopting Mini Sunshine as a playmate for Jackie, and will be bringing him home this weekend - they already had their first round of successful introductions earlier. Mini thought he was going home today and went inside Jackie's carrier. Jackie sniffed at Mini a little and gave her nod of approval of him as her younger brother-to-be.
Jackie has also been getting along well with the rabbits in her new home, teasing them to play with her and stealing their pellets and hay to play with. The rabbits have accepted her as part of the family, and so has the human family - Jackie enjoys watching TV together with the family! We are glad that Jackie has a good home and has brought so much joy to her new family.