Our Lorong Ah Soo cat, Sookie, is now one of the resident cats at Angels Pet Shop. Aswat released her out of her pen today to hang out within the shop premises. There has been no response from the active canvassing done by our reader Randy, and the rescuer has declined to adopt Sookie, so it's either releasing her in Ubi or in Lorong Ah Soo. I am quite wary of releasing her back at Lorong Ah Soo because if no one has responded, she might be missed out by the feeders when we return her there.
We are still hoping to re-home Sookie since the leads for finding her cat carer in Lorong Ah Soo are turning cold. For now, Sookie will remain in the shop for boarding. If you are keen on visiting and adopting Sookie, please contact Aswat at 9337 8211 / 6748 9810.
...we are concerned for her because her excessive thirst has not abated. Excessive thirst and urination is a symptom of kidney problems which while it is rare in young cats, is still possible. A blood test needs to be taken to confirm this. Edit: Sookie has been taken to vet, courtesy of an anonymous donor. She has been given the clean bill of health and her blood test results normal; her thirst could be due to the fact that as a street cat she has never had any water to drink before, or the fact that she had the recent trauma of her near-drowning. Treatment may need to be long-term and the cat may still eventually succumb to kidney failure. For now, she seems normal and the only problem is in refilling the water she drinks by the bowlfuls and until today, clearing out the clumps of wet sand in her litter box. If you are keen on getting Sookie medical attention, do see how you can contribute here. We will facilitate the taxiing to and from the vet and oversee any medication required even if it is long-term.
Another option is for her to have a permanent loving home. This is no small matter, as caring for a disadvantaged cat is a long-term commitment, financially and emotionally. If you are keen on taking Sookie into your home, do contact Aswat at 9337 8211 / 6748 9810 - you will be giving a disadvantaged cat the quality of life she would never get on the streets.
We believe in only doing what we can afford, if we are unable to raise the funds for Sookie's treatment we will do our best in providing her what we can for now - food, lots of water and supervision in Ubi. She is a truly lovable cat, enjoying human company, talkative and lively.